Author name: Lindy Browning

CPW Commission denies petition to pause wolf introduction on 10-1 vote

In a highly-emotional hearing that lasted more than six hours, Colorado Parks and Wildlife commissioners took testimony from nearly 100 people concerning whether or not the Commission should vote to approve or deny a petition to pause the wolf introduction program, until all of the mitigation tools were in place and funded.

CPW Commission denies petition to pause wolf introduction on 10-1 vote Read More ยป

Smart Wolf Policy group organizes to recall failed Colorado wolf law

Colorado Advocates for Smart Wolf Policy (SWPCO) has submitted a draft statutory proposition for the 2026 election to the Colorado Legislative Council, which, if successful, would return wildlife management back to experts and biologists who are assigned to manage the 903 wildlife species in Colorado.

Smart Wolf Policy group organizes to recall failed Colorado wolf law Read More ยป

Browning: With hiring of environmental justice liaisons, state taking another stab at DEI implementation at taxpayer expense

During a time when state legislators are trying to figure out where to cut the budget because of the state operating at what previously was thought to be a $1 billion shortage, the Energy and Carbon Management Commission, previously known as the Colorado Oil and Gas Commission, has announced that they are hiring two new environmental justice liaisons.

Browning: With hiring of environmental justice liaisons, state taking another stab at DEI implementation at taxpayer expense Read More ยป