
Amid acreage transition to solar farming, could Weld County lose its agricultural base?

Magnum Feedyards has operated for more than 30 years in eastern Weld County. The main line of business is growing feed and feeding cattle for market. Owner Steve Gabel started with 5,500 head in 1994, and he has gradually increased that to 35,000 head and 10,000 acres of land.

Amid acreage transition to solar farming, could Weld County lose its agricultural base? Read More »

As Colorado struggles with widespread retail theft, Wheat Ridge police take proactive approach

FBI crime stats show Colorado is doing better than it has in the past when it comes to levels of violent crime. But the news isn’t so good when it comes to property crime. Despite some improvement, Colorado remains far above the national average.

As Colorado struggles with widespread retail theft, Wheat Ridge police take proactive approach Read More »

‘Yes to parks & rec’: Englewood city staff use taxpayer dollars for yard signs to pass $41.5M bond

The City of Englewood is finding itself in the middle of possible campaign violations after the city used taxpayer dollars to pay for yard signs promoting a ballot measure to fund parks. Now, residents are being asked to return the yard signs that say, “Yes to Parks and Recreation – Support Englewood’s Parks and Recreation Bond.” 

‘Yes to parks & rec’: Englewood city staff use taxpayer dollars for yard signs to pass $41.5M bond Read More »

El Paso County Board of Health takes a stance on recreational marijuana ballot measures

The El Paso County Board of Public Health has officially come out against a ballot question that will ask Colorado Springs citizens to vote on allowing existing medical marijuana shops to sell recreational marijuana in city limits. 

El Paso County Board of Health takes a stance on recreational marijuana ballot measures Read More »

Double dip on city’s ‘non-sanctuary’ status ‘political grandstanding’ Colorado Springs residents say

Residents on Tuesday criticized a second resolution reaffirming that Colorado Springs is not a “sanctuary city” for migrants crossing U.S. borders as divisive, hateful and an example of political grandstanding.

Double dip on city’s ‘non-sanctuary’ status ‘political grandstanding’ Colorado Springs residents say Read More »