Rocky Mountain Voice

Boll: Local media demonizes engaged conservative community members

Iโ€™m quite close to recent events happening at the Douglas County School Board, given my role as a parent advocacy leader in Douglas County and being a parent of two children whose K-12 years were spent in Douglas County School District (DCSD).

Boll: Local media demonizes engaged conservative community members Read More ยป

Barnhart: Two years ago, today, Supreme Court ruled favorably in the Dobbs case

It has been two years since the seemingly impossible happened with the overturn of Roe v. Wade in the historic Dobbs decision. Taking a similar course to slavery in the United States, the Supreme Court had made an overarching dismissal of all 50 states laws that previous to 1973 limited or outlawed abortion in all the states.

Barnhart: Two years ago, today, Supreme Court ruled favorably in the Dobbs case Read More ยป

Flora heads up panel addressing ‘complex problem’ of illegal immigration, HB 19-1124 and sanctuaries

It might be a complex problem but the solution could be quite simple, participants in an immigration forum told a large audience gathered here Wednesday in Douglas County.

Flora heads up panel addressing ‘complex problem’ of illegal immigration, HB 19-1124 and sanctuaries Read More ยป

McKenna: Of our race-obsessed schools and special populations

The Cherry Creek School Board meeting in April featured a strategic plan update on special populations by Dr. Tony Poole. Those not steeped in the priorities of the school board and Superintendent Chris Smith might think it wise to fixate on โ€œdisproportionalityโ€ as Dr. Poole does; but that fixation does not seem to be improving proficiency in reading or math, where half the districtโ€™s students do not test at grade level. Or much else.

McKenna: Of our race-obsessed schools and special populations Read More ยป