
If the chairman were to be removed, who leads the Colorado GOP? These three say they can

If the Central Committee were to clean house at Colorado Republican Party headquarters and remove all state officers, as has been proposed by a faction of the committee, who might assume leadership?

If the chairman were to be removed, who leads the Colorado GOP? These three say they can Read More »

Colorado GOP faces transparency issues amid critical race controversies

Amidst ongoing internal conflicts and strategic disputes, the Colorado Republican Party faces significant challenges concerning transparency and the manner in which it communicates its support for certain electoral races. The party leadership has outlined a list of “critical races,” including several congressional districts and state legislative seats, such as CD3, CD8, SD5, SD6, SD12, HD43, HD16, HD19, HD25, HD26, HD50, HD57, SD13, and SD16.

Colorado GOP faces transparency issues amid critical race controversies Read More »

El Paso County GOP chair Vickie Tonkins leads censure against party’s vice chair, demands he resign

The quarrel between Colorado Republican Party Chairman Dave Williams and a group of Republicans attempting to oust him from his position spilled over into local party politics this week when the El Paso County GOP’s governing board voted to reprimand the party’s second-in-command for spearheading the move to fire Williams, among other alleged “malicious acts.”

El Paso County GOP chair Vickie Tonkins leads censure against party’s vice chair, demands he resign Read More »