
Do only four frontrunners remain in 4th District race? It appeared that way in Kit Carson County.

BURLINGTON — A handful of candidates vying to become Eastern Colorado’s next representative to Congress didn’t make one of the state’s bright, bright red counties a destination here Friday for the Kit Carson County Republican Party’s Lincoln Dinner.

Do only four frontrunners remain in 4th District race? It appeared that way in Kit Carson County. Read More ยป

Martinez: Court sends a reminder; tax hikes require voter consent

In a major victory for taxpayers, aย unanimous panel of the Colorado Court of Appealsย agreed with the National Taxpayers Union Foundationโ€™s Taxpayer Defense Center (NTUF) thatย an overnight doubling of the property taxes in a few Northern Colorado countiesย violated the Coloradoย Taxpayerโ€™s Bill of Rightsย (TABOR).

Martinez: Court sends a reminder; tax hikes require voter consent Read More ยป

Douglas, El Paso counties name Gov. Polis as defendant in ‘sanctuary state’ suit

Elected commissioners and sheriffs in two central Colorado counties announced today they are suing Gov. Jared Polis and the State of Colorado related to Democrat-supported sanctuary state policies, which law enforcement has complained leaves it powerless to address illegal immigration.

Douglas, El Paso counties name Gov. Polis as defendant in ‘sanctuary state’ suit Read More ยป

TAX DAY: Colorado tax experts busy this season due to state TABOR refund

Tax Day marks the last day to file your taxes, or you will need to get an extension. Theย IRS is estimatingย 19 million taxpayers will file for an automatic six-month extension. Although an extension grants extra time to file, the IRS says it does not extend the obligation to pay.

TAX DAY: Colorado tax experts busy this season due to state TABOR refund Read More ยป

‘We must win the special election,’ Lopez tells Kit Carson Republicans, while supporting primary slate

Greg Lopez is embracing the role some have called a placeholder.
“You have some great Republican candidates looking to be your Congressman,” Lopez told Kit Carson Republicans gathered here Friday.

‘We must win the special election,’ Lopez tells Kit Carson Republicans, while supporting primary slate Read More ยป

Sen. Rod Pelton warns Kit Carson Republicans of extreme gun bills, appointments

State Sen. Rod Pelton, R-Cheyenne, warned Kit Carson County Republicans gathered here Friday that they might stay on the lookout for a rash of bills coming through the upper chamber before the state’s legislative session is complete.

Sen. Rod Pelton warns Kit Carson Republicans of extreme gun bills, appointments Read More ยป