‘All-time’ temperature record falls in Colorado on sub-zero day
Another temperature record has been set in Colorado during recent days of frigid weather.
‘All-time’ temperature record falls in Colorado on sub-zero day Read More »
Another temperature record has been set in Colorado during recent days of frigid weather.
‘All-time’ temperature record falls in Colorado on sub-zero day Read More »
DENVER – For the second straight year, student enrollment in Colorado’s public schools declined with the 2023-24 school year PK-12 student enrollment reaching the state’s lowest mark in a decade, according to the annual count of public school students in October.
Colorado public school enrollment continues to decline, lowest since 2013 Read More »
DENVER–A pair of Colorado lawmakers are making another attempt at sanctioning what are sometimes referred to as “safe injection sites” for illegal drug users, despite their own Democrat colleagues killing off a similar effort during last year’s legislative session.
Democrat lawmakers take another stab at state-sanctioned drug injection sites Read More »
Big Marijuana is waging a war on Colorado’s children — just as Big Tobacco has done for generations.
EDITORIAL: AG Weiser picks pot over Colorado’s kids Read More »
SOURCE: COLORADO PEAK POLITICS We hope state lawmakers are enjoying their bonus four-day weekend, what with it being too cold or something to go to work after Monday’s big chill. All of these people managed to march outdoors all day today but can't make it to work indoors tomorrow.#copolitics https://t.co/Nn3iteaq8y — Pathofmostresistance (@Pathofmostresi1) January 16,
Lawmakers march in arctic temps Monday, but skip work Tuesday cause it’s cold Read More »
During his recent State of the State address, Governor Jared Polis presented an ambitious agenda for massive government spending on public transit, education, job training, and crime fighting. However, he surprised many by emphatically calling once again for an income tax cut that would primarily benefit the upper middle class. This unexpected stance challenged the Democratic majority.
Colorado’s cannabis market experienced a significant decline in November 2023, reaching its lowest sales level since February 2015. This downward trend has continued for several months, according to data from the state’s Department of Revenue.
Congresswoman Brittany Pettersen has been in office less than a year but already her family is cashing in on the public’s dime.
Congresswoman’s husband paid with tax dollars for campaign to hike taxes Read More »
I’ll begin with my proposal: Parents who do not send their school-age children to public schools do not have to pay taxes to help support those schools. Whatever proportion of property, income, and other taxes go to schools, those parents either do not have to pay in the first place (I propose), or else they get the money back during tax season, up to the average per-pupil expenditure. I mean to include here property taxes paid indirectly through rent.
Armstrong: A modest proposal for school choice in Colorado Read More »
Progressive Democrats in the Colorado legislature have proposed a concerning new bill that aims to incentivize crime in the Centennial State. Under this bill, criminals would receive a cash payment of $3,000 upon their release from a Colorado prison. This misguided approach is an attempt to prevent recidivism, but it raises serious questions about the priorities and judgment of the progressive Democrats behind it.
Colorado Democrats Push for Controversial $3,000 Cash Payments to Ex-Cons Read More »