
Ganahl: Exposing Colorado’s election failures, how citizen pressure uncovered what officials tried to hide

During my run as the GOP Nominee for Governor in 2022, I talked to voters across
Colorado that didn’t trust our elections. 25% of Republicans didn’t vote. After the race, I
decided to dig in and see if I could find a way to restore trust for voters in the process.

Ganahl: Exposing Colorado’s election failures, how citizen pressure uncovered what officials tried to hide Read More »

Armstrong: Punishing the innocent with Colorado’s Proposition KK

Imagine the screams from the left if, instead of facing a ballot measure to allow for tax-subsidized abortions, Colorado voters instead saw a measure to tax abortions to fund mental health for women dealing with matters pertaining to fertility, pregnancy, and raising children. “This is punishing people for exercising their basic rights,” we would hear. “This is not how we should fund essential services,” the chorus would chant. And the critics would be right.

Armstrong: Punishing the innocent with Colorado’s Proposition KK Read More »

Final take in 3rd District: One candidate has misled with deception, half-truths and lies; we support vote for Hurd

In Colorado Congressional District 3, once again the Frisch campaign, in cahoots with the Colorado Democrats, is spending money and sending flyers to voters in support of a third-party candidate who can’t win.

Final take in 3rd District: One candidate has misled with deception, half-truths and lies; we support vote for Hurd Read More »

Colorado Airbnb host faces $16K in damages after suspected migrant gang members ‘destroy’ property

Cigarette butts, gum, cans, empty bottles and bags of drugs littered an Airbnb property hidden away in the Colorado mountains after one guest’s brief stay turned into a longstanding problem brought on by suspected gang-related chaos, leaving host Karen Martiz facing thousands of dollars in repairs while the property remains damaged and temporarily useless.  

Colorado Airbnb host faces $16K in damages after suspected migrant gang members ‘destroy’ property Read More »

Colorado Republicans call for Griswold’s resignation amid security breach

In response to the recent leak of election system passwords by Secretary of State Jena Griswold’s office, Colorado House Republicans issued a call for her resignation. The statement came shortly after Griswold acknowledged the incident, which she described as a “partial” leak involving passwords for some voting components, adding that her office is actively investigating.

Colorado Republicans call for Griswold’s resignation amid security breach Read More »