
Walcher: Making computers out of… wind?

I just attended a reception with Colorado oil and gas employees, and the conversation was eye opening. I expected to hear about how difficult life in America would be without fossil fuels. There was some of that, but not in the way I expected. Many of the conversations were not about how badly we need gasoline for our cars or electricity for our homes and businesses.

Walcher: Making computers out of… wind? Read More »

Andrews: A ban on fur in Denver would only hurt this thriving cow town

Denver is like no place else. We’re a “cow town” with a thriving food scene; a tech hub and a gateway to world-class recreation opportunities; sports teams, museums, brew pubs, and distilleries for everyone. We’ve hit on a formula for a world-class 21st-century city that honors its heritage. It’s no wonder boomers and Gen Z alike want to be here.

Andrews: A ban on fur in Denver would only hurt this thriving cow town Read More »

Deadline looms for packaging producers to register for new state-mandated recycling program

In just two weeks, any substantially sized company that produces packaging sold within Colorado — from plastic to glass to wood — must be registered with a new industry-led organization that will soon begin charging fees to fund a statewide recycling system.

Deadline looms for packaging producers to register for new state-mandated recycling program Read More »

Costello: The unintended consequences of Proposition 127

Coloradans, I’m writing to you from California, where mountain lion hunting is illegal because of ballot-box biology. The idea of saving mountain lions and bobcats feels noble. They are magnificent critters, and supremely effective at making a living on the landscape (killing prey). We all love wild landscapes filled with diverse wildlife, including elusive and sometimes scary apex predators. While revered and respected for millennia, it is also true that humans have hunted, harvested and managed these animals as part of our own participation in the natural world.

Costello: The unintended consequences of Proposition 127 Read More »