The Colorado Sun

Ranchers hit CPW with $580k in compensation claims for livestock impacted by wolves

Ranchers in Grand County hit Colorado Parks and Wildlife with a $582,000 bill for wolf kills and related impacts on cattle and sheep in the first year of reintroduction, and they are hoping the sum will convince the parks and wildlife commission to pause the next phase of the program at its meeting in Denver on Jan. 8. 

Ranchers hit CPW with $580k in compensation claims for livestock impacted by wolves Read More »

Colorado’s budget deficit may be smaller than the $1 billion hole originally predicted

Colorado’s state budget deficit next year is forecast to be about $250 million smaller than previously anticipated, economic prognosticators told state lawmakers Thursday, news that will make carrying out a fiscal trapeze act slightly easier. 

Colorado’s budget deficit may be smaller than the $1 billion hole originally predicted Read More »

Ethics complaint filed against state Sen. Sonya Jaquez Lewis over aide allegations

A constituent of embattled state Sen. Sonya Jaquez Lewis lodged an ethics complaint against the Longmont Democrat last week, alleging that Jaquez Lewis has failed to uphold her office with integrity and the public interest by mistreating her Capitol aides. 

Ethics complaint filed against state Sen. Sonya Jaquez Lewis over aide allegations Read More »