Jefferson County Clerk Amanda Gonzalez is first Democrat to launch bid for Colorado secretary of state
Jefferson County Clerk Amanda Gonzalez, a Democrat, launched a bid Monday to become Colorado’s secretary of state.
Jefferson County Clerk Amanda Gonzalez, a Democrat, launched a bid Monday to become Colorado’s secretary of state.
Ranchers in Grand County hit Colorado Parks and Wildlife with a $582,000 bill for wolf kills and related impacts on cattle and sheep in the first year of reintroduction, and they are hoping the sum will convince the parks and wildlife commission to pause the next phase of the program at its meeting in Denver on Jan. 8.
Ranchers hit CPW with $580k in compensation claims for livestock impacted by wolves Read More »
Federal authorities have reportedly identified a Colorado Springs Special Forces soldier as the man suspected of driving a Tesla Cybertruck to the Trump Hotel in Las Vegas before it exploded.
The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment on Monday suspended testing of drinking water at the state laboratory, the latest twist in an expanding water-testing scandal that’s been going on for a year.
Land managers are ramping up efforts to find homes for Colorado wild horses after capturing an unprecedented number in recent years as part of a national effort to thin herds.
A new statewide survey shows that 23 Colorado cities have aging lead water delivery pipes, roughly 20,000 of them, that could potentially taint drinking water.
The tradition of hanging colored lights outside homes for Christmas originated in Denver in 1914 when a local electrician found a creative way to bring holiday cheer to his bedridden son.
Colorado’s state budget deficit next year is forecast to be about $250 million smaller than previously anticipated, economic prognosticators told state lawmakers Thursday, news that will make carrying out a fiscal trapeze act slightly easier.
Colorado’s budget deficit may be smaller than the $1 billion hole originally predicted Read More »
Human DNA found on the paws of one of two coyotes killed by Colorado Parks and Wildlife suggests the animal was the one that attacked a child in Colorado Springs on Thanksgiving.
A constituent of embattled state Sen. Sonya Jaquez Lewis lodged an ethics complaint against the Longmont Democrat last week, alleging that Jaquez Lewis has failed to uphold her office with integrity and the public interest by mistreating her Capitol aides.
Ethics complaint filed against state Sen. Sonya Jaquez Lewis over aide allegations Read More »