
Garbo: Lead the fight for America by reclaiming our republic from the enemies within

To be a citizen of the United States is to inherit one of the greatest political experiments in human history — one built upon the foundation of unalienable rights, limited government and a system designed to safeguard liberty against the natural tendency of power to corrupt.

Garbo: Lead the fight for America by reclaiming our republic from the enemies within Read More »

Ganahl: Parents speak up about rash of alleged sex crimes by staff in Jefferson County schools

A letter sent by parent-led organization Jeffco Kids First (JKF) to the superintendent of Jefferson County schools and its board of education on Feb. 7, urges them to acknowledge shocking and dangerous issues in the district.

Ganahl: Parents speak up about rash of alleged sex crimes by staff in Jefferson County schools Read More »

Walcher: Let’s use what we already have

In planning the nation’s 1976 bicentennial celebration, Congress made one of its dumbest-ever boondoggle decisions. Recognizing the near death of railroad passenger service since the 1950’s, Congress decided to spend millions turning the aging and crumbling Union Station into the National Visitor Center. But they missed the obvious red flag – the millions of visitors to the nation’s capital during 1976 would not be coming by train.

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Brauchler: Probation for child rape in Colorado? Yes, really

In Colorado, a man who rapes a child — as long as it is just once — can get probation. As in, walk right out of the courtroom after conviction. But it is much worse than that. If that same man goes on to rape nine other children, as long as he only rapes them each once, that child rapist is also eligible for probation. That statement remains true even if the child rapist is a teacher, member of clergy, sports coach or any other person in a position of trust in relation to those children.

Brauchler: Probation for child rape in Colorado? Yes, really Read More »