Parks & Wildlife

‘Everyone feels anxiety’ over CPW depredation payments, but commissioners note it’s the law

“Everyone feels anxiety and fear about all this,” Colorado Parks and Wildlife Director Jeff Davis told commissioners as they approved a large payment to two Colorado ranchers in Grand County that lost livestock as a direct result of the wolf reintroduction program.

‘Everyone feels anxiety’ over CPW depredation payments, but commissioners note it’s the law Read More »

In CPW switching its big-game draw, hunters with preference points are short-changed

The Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission voted Thursday to update the way Colorado awards most of its big game tags. It’s the latest in a years-long policy review that has received plenty of public commentary and criticism. The draw changes, which take effect in 2028, are designed — in part — to combat point creep. Now, hunters who have already racked up preference points in Colorado are facing a moving goalpost.

In CPW switching its big-game draw, hunters with preference points are short-changed Read More »

Ranchers hit CPW with $580k in compensation claims for livestock impacted by wolves

Ranchers in Grand County hit Colorado Parks and Wildlife with a $582,000 bill for wolf kills and related impacts on cattle and sheep in the first year of reintroduction, and they are hoping the sum will convince the parks and wildlife commission to pause the next phase of the program at its meeting in Denver on Jan. 8. 

Ranchers hit CPW with $580k in compensation claims for livestock impacted by wolves Read More »

Paralyzed mountain lion found in Colorado is first case of “staggering disease” in North America

In May 2023, a homeowner in Douglas County was astonished to find a partially paralyzed mountain lion taking cover between her basement window well and a spruce tree, dragging itself forward with its front paws. The year-old female couldn’t stand up, a phenomenon clear in the video the owner took while safely inside the house.

Paralyzed mountain lion found in Colorado is first case of “staggering disease” in North America Read More »