In switcheroo called out by RMGO, Rep. Mauro cast anti-2A vote to get HB 1133 to floor before she voted against it

In a matter of 12 days, Pueblo County Democrat Rep. Tisha Mauro cast a vote to place an ammunition ban on the Colorado House floor, and then voted against it on the floor in a switcheroo being criticized by Rocky Mountain Gun Owners.

In switcheroo called out by RMGO, Rep. Mauro cast anti-2A vote to get HB 1133 to floor before she voted against it Read More ยป

‘We have to fight with everything that we have’: House Minority Whip Ryan Armagost is leading GOP opposition

Ryan Armagost has a background of serving as a U.S. Marine, deputy sheriff and firefighter, making him no stranger to challenging situations.

‘We have to fight with everything that we have’: House Minority Whip Ryan Armagost is leading GOP opposition Read More ยป

‘Let there be a run on guns’: Senate Democrats advance semiauto gun ban to Colorado House

A debate Tuesday on the proper role of government and at what point constitutional liberty has been infringed, led by Senate Republicans, fell upon deaf ears.

‘Let there be a run on guns’: Senate Democrats advance semiauto gun ban to Colorado House Read More ยป

Democrats advance first-in-the-nation gun bill, one mandating gun owners to purchase insurance

The punishment Democrats will assess on Coloradans wishing to pursue their constitutional right of gun ownership will be either the costs of an insurance policy or fines beginning at $500 for a first offense of not having firearm liability insurance, if House Bill 1270 passes.

Democrats advance first-in-the-nation gun bill, one mandating gun owners to purchase insurance Read More ยป

Sen. Rod Pelton warns Kit Carson Republicans of extreme gun bills, appointments

State Sen. Rod Pelton, R-Cheyenne, warned Kit Carson County Republicans gathered here Friday that they might stay on the lookout for a rash of bills coming through the upper chamber before the state’s legislative session is complete.

Sen. Rod Pelton warns Kit Carson Republicans of extreme gun bills, appointments Read More ยป