Rod Pelton

Property squatters would face stiff $1,000-a-day fines in HB 1104, slated to be heard Feb. 4

The Colorado solution to a national problem of squatters occupying a property without consent or ownership and with few remedies to remove them will be considered Tuesday during the House Judiciary Committee.

Property squatters would face stiff $1,000-a-day fines in HB 1104, slated to be heard Feb. 4 Read More ยป

Sen. Rod Pelton warns Kit Carson Republicans of extreme gun bills, appointments

State Sen. Rod Pelton, R-Cheyenne, warned Kit Carson County Republicans gathered here Friday that they might stay on the lookout for a rash of bills coming through the upper chamber before the state’s legislative session is complete.

Sen. Rod Pelton warns Kit Carson Republicans of extreme gun bills, appointments Read More ยป