Ryan Armagost

Property squatters would face stiff $1,000-a-day fines in HB 1104, slated to be heard Feb. 4

The Colorado solution to a national problem of squatters occupying a property without consent or ownership and with few remedies to remove them will be considered Tuesday during the House Judiciary Committee.

Property squatters would face stiff $1,000-a-day fines in HB 1104, slated to be heard Feb. 4 Read More ยป

Gun owners, 2A advocates asked to ‘stand up and fight’ during first caucus event

LOVELAND โ€” A collection of state legislators, advocates and gun dealers gathered here Saturday at The Gallery Range & Restaurant in an effort to unify the state’s 2nd Amendment supporters.

Gun owners, 2A advocates asked to ‘stand up and fight’ during first caucus event Read More ยป

Rep. Armagost stresses voting in November: ‘There’s too much at stake and too much to lose’

Registration, education and turnout are all of equal importance for down-ballot candidates in the Nov. 5 general election, state Rep. Ryan Armagost told grassroots supporters Monday in a call led by former state Sen. Kevin Lundberg.

Rep. Armagost stresses voting in November: ‘There’s too much at stake and too much to lose’ Read More ยป

Rep. Armagost complains House Bill 1460 is ‘blatantly punitive for officers’

Rep. Ryan Armagost, formerly a law enforcement officer, was critical Wednesday of a rushed process and lack of stakeholder involvement in House Bill 1460, titled “addressing measures to strengthen responses to law enforcement misconduct.”

Rep. Armagost complains House Bill 1460 is ‘blatantly punitive for officers’ Read More ยป