Devotional: Believe to understand, never the other way around!

By Drake Hunter | Guest Columnist

Living life is a journey that can be challenging at times; understanding it can be pretty mind-boggling. It requires belief and faith to guide us through the ups and downs of reality, especially in the worst times.

To truly understand, we must first have a belief system that allows us to see the bigger picture and its deeper meaning. Instead of just relying on logic, reasoning, and Intelligence Quotient (IQ), we must have faith in something greater than ourselves to guide our actions and decisions. This way, we can live in profound truth and use and experience Spiritual Quotient (SQ).

Remember, it’s not always about understanding everything; instead, it’s about believing and having faith in something that can help us navigate anything that comes our way. This mindset and perspective get us to a good place, now and always, where everyone can “Just Believe!”

Many people are familiar with the story from the Bible, where Jesus speaks to his apostle Thomas to emphasize the importance of “Believe to Understand.” Jesus encouraged his followers to believe in his teachings, even if they couldn’t fully grasp them. However, Doubting Thomas represents the opposite perspective of “Understand to Believe,” as he was skeptical of Jesus’ resurrection until he saw and touched his wounds (John 20:24-29).

In Christianity, believing before understanding is the way to go. It requires having faith in something that cannot be fully explained by logic or reason. It is about having confidence in our beliefs and trusting in the object of our faith, God, even when we do not fully understand them (Proverbs 3:1-6). The words from John in the Bible further emphasize the significance of faith in the Christian doctrine. It encourages believers to believe in what they cannot see or comprehend and trust that their beliefs will lead them to a fulfilling, happy, and successful life.

Many individuals who follow the Christian faith today struggle with doubts that significantly impact their daily lives. These doubts are often manifested as a variety of toxic emotions and behaviors, including fear, worry, narcissism, vanity, greed and various vices. These translogical monsters can profoundly impact the lives of those who experience them, making it challenging to maintain a strong and healthy life.

To avoid being a Doubting Thomas, adhere to Jesus’ teachings “Just Believe (Mark 5:35-36)” and “Ask, Seek and Knock (Matthew 7:7-8).” What does this entail for the Christian disciple? It means having faith from the outset and exercising prudence by asking pertinent questions, striving to comprehend the answers provided and then making a sound decision that reflects our commitment to our faith. With IQ and SQ, we can live a meaningful and fulfilling life guided by our beliefs and faith in something greater than ourselves.

Today, I invite you to stop doubting and challenge your worldly thinking (Romans 12). Let’s fully engage in what it means to be a faithful Christian by being wise and acting like Jesus, rather than Doubting Thomas. Let us strive to understand God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength by following Jesus’ example and “Just Believe.”

Drake Hunter is pastor of Elevating Life Church in Fort Morgan. He is an honorably retired Air Force senior non-commissioned officer, author and spiritual coach.

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