Flora gathers support of Phelen, Trujillo as they exit 4th District primary race

‘I’m running FOR this office, not running FROM an office’, Flora says

By BRIAN PORTER | The Rocky Mountain Voice

As they hit the exit in the 4th District U.S. House Republican Party primary race, two candidates this week threw their support to Deborah Flora.

Chris Phelen on Friday and Floyd Trujillo on Saturday announced they had suspended their campaigns and asked supporters to support Flora in joint press releases.

Phelen, the former chief of staff for retiring Rep. Doug Lamborn, who ran on a platform to end diviseness and dysfunction in Washington, cited Flora as the candidate who can now lead that effort.

“I ran for Congress to help restore function and to fight for the rights of the people above the interests of the swamp,” he said. “Deborah Flora shares this passion to serve 4th District families and will be a dedicated, effective and selfless voice for my family and yours in Congress.”

He called for voters in the 4th District to “consolidate” behind Flora as “the conservative who can beat Lauren Boebert.” Phelen withdrew from the race in advance of the result of his signature petition being announced by the Secretary of State’s office.

Trujillo, who was the final candidate to join the race, indicated his support of Flora was driven by energy policy.

“I got into this race to be a voice for Colorado’s oil and natural gas workers and their tireless commitment to providing affordable, reliable energy for our residents and our nation,” he said. “Deborah understands the importance of protecting these workers and the national and even global impacts our district has on our national security. She’s clearly the best choice for CD-4 to champion these workers and their families and to confront Joe Biden and his reckless energy policies.”

Trujillo, a former oil and natural gas executive, author and advocate, failed to earn the minimum signatures needed for a place on the primary ballot, ending his campaign.

“Without being a career politician, coupled with a late start to the campaign, we fell short qualifying for the primary ballot,” Trujillo said.

Flora pointed to Phelen as a candidate of experience in the U.S. House.

“Chris has had a ringside seat in Congress, serving the people of Colorado as a congressional staffer. We’re excited to have his support and experience backing my campaign,” Flora said. “He’s been a consistent voice, putting constituents first and understands the importance of serving with integrity and character. Having him on board definitely bolsters our momentum going into the primary.”

Added Phelen: “Deborah will make us proud, and I am honored to support her.”

The current state of world affairs and energy policy of the Biden Administration are reasons, Flora said, she embraces energy independence, and Trujillo’s support for her energy plan.

“We need to empower Colorado’s oil and natural gas workers to safeguard our consumers and defend our national security,” Flora said. “Floyd has passionately promoted our homegrown petroleum engineers, air scientists, geologists and more industry workers to illustrate how the failed Bidenomics of driving down energy supplies has only driven up inflation and consumer costs. I appreciate Floyd’s support and counsel to ensure our 4th District energy workers will be protected and to shine a bright light on the dangers of the President’s devastatingly expensive green new deal.”

Flora’s announcement positioned her as the “clear alternative to former 3rd District Congresswoman Lauren Boebert”, who it notes “switched Congressional seats earlier this year after seeing her prospects for re-election dim.” Flora has also noted her support in Douglas County, where a significant quantity of the district’s votes lie.

Boebert has noted family reasons and opportunity in the 4th District as among the causes which led to her move into the district.

Flora points to internal polling by Boebert’s campaign which indicates “name identification helped propel her ahead of the other nine candidates in the race at the time.” Flora’s announcement claims that as the race shrinks, she is “the only candidate consolidating support.”

“In the end, this race will be about the person who best represents the values of the hardworking families in the 4th District that I have lived and worked among for years,” Flora said. “I’m running FOR this office, not running FROM an office, which is why our campaign is gaining momentum and support from voters across the district.”