Lauren Boebert

Boebert leads legislation to delist wolves from federal protection

U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colorado 4th, and U.S. Rep. Tom Tiffany, R-Wisc. 7th, have introduced the Pet and Livestock Protection Act to delist the gray wolf from the endangered species list and prioritize the safety and success of America’s agriculture community.

Boebert leads legislation to delist wolves from federal protection Read More »

After six-year struggle, Boebert’s CONVEY Act now just needs Biden’s signature to transfer land to Mesa Co.

Almost half of the land in the American West — 46.4% to be exact — is owned by the federal government. To put this into perspective, in most other parts of the nation that number sits only at 4.2%. 

After six-year struggle, Boebert’s CONVEY Act now just needs Biden’s signature to transfer land to Mesa Co. Read More »

Boebert calls upon Senate to get her ZIP code bill to President’s desk

“While this may seem like a niche issue to some, it is extremely important to these cities and towns that asked for this bill to be put forward on their behalf,” Congresswoman Lauren Boebert told her colleagues on the House floor as she urged them to pass her bipartisan ZIP Code bill, H.R. 8753. 

Boebert calls upon Senate to get her ZIP code bill to President’s desk Read More »

Rep. Boebert asks Senate Republicans to ‘just simply follow’ and support Trump’s nominees

Republicans will hold the White House and majorities in both chambers of Congress for the next two years, and U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Windsor, is calling on them to act like it.

Rep. Boebert asks Senate Republicans to ‘just simply follow’ and support Trump’s nominees Read More »

Rep. Boebert hawks for fiscal efficiency as she says Washington bureaucrats ‘spend, spend, spend’

Despite ever-rising inflationary pricing on everything from milk to meat, Americans are tightening their belts and living within a family budget. Washington should do the same, U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert said during a Wednesday evening appearance on “Stinchfield Tonight”.

Rep. Boebert hawks for fiscal efficiency as she says Washington bureaucrats ‘spend, spend, spend’ Read More »