Devotional: Where did God come from?

By Drake Hunter | Contributing Commentator, Rocky Mountain Voice

Have you ever found yourself captivated by God’s existence? It’s a question that has intrigued and perplexed many, regardless of their religious beliefs.

Let’s momentarily set aside religious texts and embark on a journey of contemplation. Whether you are a devout believer, a skeptic, or somewhere in between, I invite you to delve into a fresh perspective on this timeless question. Imagine this – a serene drive through the Fort Morgan, Colorado, cemetery, with my curious granddaughter Lilly in the backseat. At this moment, she asked, “Papa, where did God come from?”

This poignant question led me to a thought-provoking insight I hold dear – a perspective inspired by Dr. Kent Hovind in my journey of love, faith, and hope. When we delve into the origin of God, we may unintentionally limit our thoughts to a narrow concept of divinity and eternity. However, the God I believe in, the God of the Bible, is not confined by the boundaries of time, space, or matter. The very first lines of the Bible proclaim, “In the beginning,” signifying time, “God created the heavens,” representing space, “and the Earth,” symbolizing matter (Genesis 1:1). This initial declaration in the Bible, in harmony with scientific understanding, presents a captivating and undeniably powerful comparison.  

Consider this, time encompasses past, present, and future; space extends in length, width, and height; and matter exists as solid, liquid, and gas. These fundamental elements form a trinity of trinities, and the Creator of such intricate realities must exist beyond them. If God were limited by time, space, or matter, He would not be the ultimate Creator of all reality, as He is! This thought also shows that a trinity exists in the Bible and the book of Creation for those who question the doctrine of the Trinity and Design. 

Now, consider this, our existence is a delicate balance between the spiritual and the material. Emotions such as love, hatred, envy, and rationality cannot be explained solely through a materialistic lens. If our brains were simply a product of chance and chemicals, how could we trust our reasoning and thoughtful minds? The question ‘Where did God come from?’ assumes a finite God, a concept that confines the boundless nature of divinity – a closed mindset and system, which lies the problem of most people, Christians included.

My belief in the existence of God (Father, Son, and Spirit) is not a mere intellectual exercise but a guiding light in navigating life’s challenges. Through the divine moral character I am cultivating through Jesus’ teachings, I can serve all of life with actions expressed by the truth, beauty, unity, and goodness of God, His Holy Spirit, regardless of circumstances. This profound process keeps my love alive, not by man’s closed logical mind or finite love but by God’s perspective and infinite love that all begins with believing He truly exists.

Let’s consider the question, ‘Where did God come from?’ with a question of an innocent 4-year-old child in the back seat reflecting on life and death. Let’s imagine a God that surpasses human limitations and discovers a profound source of faith, hope, and love that can guide our lives logically and meaningfully, leading to an understanding of God’s reality. This understanding allows us to perceive life as it is intended to be perceived yesterday, now, and forever more!

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in commentary pieces are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the management of the Rocky Mountain Voice, but even so we support the constitutional right of the author to express those opinions.