Polis, governors to Congress, White House: Make immigration deal

By Nicole C. Brambila | SOURCE: DENVER GAZETTE

A cadre of Democratic governors — including Gov. Jared Polis — called on Congress and the Biden administration to reach a border security deal that includes funding to support states, such as Colorado, that are struggling to respond to the humanitarian crisis caused by an influx of immigrants crossing the border illegally.

“We need Congress to take action to secure our border and pass comprehensive immigration reform,” Polis said in a news release. “States can’t do this alone. It’s time to put politics aside and deliver the real solutions and support that states like Colorado, and many others, need.”

The group of nine governors urged Congress to quickly negotiate a legislative package that addresses border security and modernizes the country’s immigration system, while providing federal funding and coordination.

“The sustained arrival of individuals seeking asylum and requiring shelter and assistance, due to lack of congressional action on infrastructure and policies, can only be addressed with federal organizational support and funding to meet the public safety and humanitarian needs of our local communities,” the governors wrote.