Trump’s Steele dossier complaint dismissed by London high court

By Misty Severi | The Gazette

London judge dismissed former President Donald Trump’s privacy lawsuit against former British spy Christopher Steele on Thursday, where Trump accused Steele of making “false and scandalous claims” in a dossier.

British Judge Karen Steyn said there were “no compelling reasons” to let the lawsuit go to trial and that Trump had allowed many years to pass without legal action to “vindicate his reputation in this jurisdiction” since he was made aware of the dossier’s existence in January of 2017.

The lawsuit, which was filed against Steele and his consultancy company Orbis Business Intelligence in October, focused on a 35-page dossier that included unverified allegations about Trump and the 2016 presidential election. The dossier was used by the FBI to get warrants in its investigation into Russia’s alleged links to the election.