Dozens of energy groups ask Congress to overturn Biden’s green power plant rules

By Nick Pope  | The Daily Signal

Dozens of energy policy and advocacy groups are pushing Congress to repeal one of President Joe Biden’s signature climate policies.

A coalition of more than 40 organizations signed on to a letter being circulated Thursday to lawmakers, taking aim at the Environmental Protection Agency’s recently finalized emissions-reduction regulations for coal-fired and new natural gas power plants.

The letter urges lawmakers to back expected resolutions from Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., and Rep. Troy Balderson, R-Ohio, that would overturn the rules using the Congressional Review Act, a tool allowing lawmakers to overturn certain federal regulatory actions.

The EPA’s rules, finalized in April, require many existing coal plants and new natural gas facilities to control 90% of their emissions by 2032 if they want to stay open in the longer term. This mandate effectively will require plant operators to spend billions of dollars on expensive carbon capture and sequestration, or CCS, equipment to continue operating some facilities.