Hankinson: Why Biden’s executive order won’t solve the illegal immigration crisis

By Simon Hankinson | The Daily Signal

President Joe Biden announced his highly anticipated executive order to supposedly secure the border on Tuesday. With it, the president attempted to do the impossible: avoid impeding the mass illegal migration for which his policies are directly responsible while convincing Americans he is “doing something”—at last—to secure the border.

This “unserious” proclamation-plus-rule combo platter (a Presidential Proclamation on Securing the Border and the Joint DHS-DOJ Interim Final Rule to Restrict Asylum During High Encounters at the Southern Border) will do the first but not the second.

It’s hard to imagine there is an American out there who can be persuaded that Biden has gotten religion on enforcing U.S. immigration law, three and a half years and about 10 million illegal immigrants too late. The White House fact sheet announcing the proclamation and rule proclaims that “President Biden believes we must secure our border,” but if so, this belief was not manifested by a single action in his entire term.


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