In show of her dominance in 4th District, Boebert has out-raised and spent her five opponents combined

By Sandra Fish | The Colorado Sun

U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert vastly outraised her five Republican opponents in the 4th Congressional District in the two months leading up to the June 25 primary while spending heavily on TV and mailers to reach voters, campaign finance reports filed Thursday reveal.

The $334,000 Boebert raised from April 1 to June 5 lagged the $624,000 she raised during the lead up to the primary in 2022. But the money was still enough to eclipse the $178,000 brought in by her five GOP competitors combined this year, according to Federal Election Commission reports.

The reports, the last ones before the primary, are another indication that Boebert is likely to dominate on June 25. Her Republican opponents have failed to gain financial and political traction in the race, and there is little time to reverse that trend with Coloradans already casting ballots.