Transform Colorado events slated to unite Christian, church leaders

By Rocky Mountain Voice

The first of three Transform Colorado events will take place Tuesday, June 18, with two more events following Wednesday, June 19, with guest speaker William J. Federer.

Federer will address those gathered at noon Tuesday at Radiance Church, 8301 Rosemary St. A , Commerce City. A free meal will be provided. Transform Colorado is aimed at church leaders throughout Colorado, but is open to all Coloradans. The aim is to “restore and expand Biblical values in the public square,” a press release reads.

“Be a part of history in the making, as consequential meetings will be held across the state,” the Transform Colorado press release continues. “Significant, impassioned speakers will inspire; aware and relevant authors will motivate; and tuned-in, vigilant teachers will educate.”

The press release invited “leaders, pastors, and congregants” to “come have your eyes opened, learn truths that the traditional media does not want you to know, and take substantive tools and free resources back with you, to positively impact your communities!”

Those who attend one of the three events will be equipped with materials to “change our great state of Colorado and return biblical values to our public squares.” For three years, the Truth & Liberty Coalition has built a network of leaders, workers and volunteers, publishing more than two million non-partisan, 501c3 compliant Christian voter guides, addressed pending and political issues in digital and media broadcasts, training citizens for engagement and equipping them for involvement. 

Truth and Liberty emerged as a substantive and distinguished voice with regards to biblical and conservative values in Colorado, and is gaining ground and influence, the press release reads.

“The election this November will be pivotal in shaping and possibly salvaging the future of our nation,”  the Transform Colorado press release reads. “It is crucial as Christians that we unite, get involved and take action to restore righteousness in the public square. We especially implore Christian and church leaders, pastors and entire church congregations to attend.  Together, we will illuminate the path to a nation that once again calls upon the name of the Lord Jesus and embraces the timeless truths of scripture.”

Here are the upcoming dates for Transform Colorado 2024:

  • Tuesday, June 18: North Denver meeting with Bill Federer, noon to 2 p.m. at Radiance Church, 8301 Rosemary St. A , Commerce City. Free meal included.
  • Wednesday, June 19: CFAN meeting with William J Federer, noon to 2 p.m. at Church For All Nations, 2188 Executive Circle, Colorado Springs. Free meal included.
  • Wednesday, June 19: Meeting with William J Federer, 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Restoration Church, 9355 Peaceful Valley Rd., Colorado Springs

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