Harsanyi: If you were duped on Biden’s cognitive decline, you’re too dumb to be a journalist

By DAVID HARSANYI | Commentary, The Federalist

By the time we saw Joe Biden’s debate debacle, the media had spent four years covering up his mental and physical decline to help Democrats. After Biden’s fragile mental state was exposed, the media instantaneously began pushing Biden out of the presidential race to help Democrats.

The goal remains the same.

The Wall Street Journal reports this week that Biden’s senior advisers “aggressively stage-managed” the president’s “schedule, movements and personal interactions, as they sought to minimize signs of how age has taken a toll on the oldest president in U.S. history.” Basically, everyone in the White House — as well as big-money donors — conspired to hide that the president of the United States was unable to perform even the most rudimentary tasks associated with the most powerful job in the world. By 2022, the president’s advisors didn’t even believe he was up to taking weekly cross-country trips.


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