Smrz: Is the support by Colorado Gov. Jared Polis of Ukraine war funding an indicator he is eyeing the DNC presidential ticket?

By Jimmy Smrz | Commentary, Rocky Mountain Voice

The United States’ continued funding of the Ukraine-Russia war is set to be a key issue in the 2024 presidential race, raising questions about whether Colorado Gov. Jared Polis is positioning himself for a spot on the Democratic National Convention’s presidential ticket.

Following President Biden’s withdrawal from the race, and endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic Party initially unified in support of her. However, Harris’ path to the nomination remains uncertain. Concerns about her electability create uncertainty about her candidacy.

Enter Gov. Polis, whose recent high-profile support for Ukraine, including a meeting with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, signals his readiness for the international stage and aligns him with the Democratic base.

U.S. funding for Ukraine and its political implications

The U.S. has been a significant financial supporter of Ukraine in its ongoing conflict with Russia. This support has become a contentious issue within American politics, especially as the 2024 presidential race heats up.

A recent Pew Research poll shows growing partisan divisions over support for financing the war in Ukraine:

  • Democratic View: 36% of Democrats believe the U.S. is not providing enough support to Ukraine.
  • Republican View: Only 13% of Republicans share this belief, while 49% think the U.S. provides too much aid.

These differences highlight a significant partisan divide among voters.

Gov. Polis’s political positioning

Gov. Polis has been steadily raising his national profile. He was recently elected as the chair of the National Governors Association, enhancing his visibility on the national stage. During the same trip to Salt Lake City, Polis met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to express strong support for continued U.S. funding of Ukraine’s war against Russia.

Polis declared: “Colorado stands in solidarity with the brave Ukrainian people as they defend their home and their freedom against (Russian President) Putin’s aggression.”

This endorsement aligns Polis with the opinion of many Democratic voters.

Polis’s new role as the chair of the National Governors Association further positions him as a significant figure in national politics, increasing his visibility and influence. Despite initial unity behind Vice President Kamala Harris, her path to the nomination remains fraught with uncertainty. Concerns about her electability are growing within the party.

Gov. Polis’s recent activities suggest he may be positioning himself as a viable alternative. His strong stance on Ukraine and progressive policies as governor of Colorado around healthcare, education, and the environment align him closely with the Democratic base.

Republican perspective

During the June 27, 2024, presidential debate, Donald Trump criticized Biden for giving over $200 billion to Ukraine, calling it “a lot of money.” Trump promised to end the conflict swiftly if elected, claiming he would settle the war between Putin and Zelenskyy before taking office.

Republican vice presidential pick, J.D. Vance, has also criticized U.S. funding for Ukraine, arguing against continued financial support. The Republican candidate’s stance against funding clearly contrasts the current Democratic administration’s approach to Ukraine. U.S. support would likely cease under a second Trump administration, providing a stark choice for voters.

Influential donors and financial support

One of the biggest donors to Democratic candidates, George Soros, is a staunch supporter of the war against Russia. Soros has been vocal about the critical importance of the conflict for global stability and democracy.

At the World Economic Forum in Davos in 2022, Soros said, “We must mobilize all our resources to bring the war to an early end. The best and perhaps only way to preserve our civilization is to defeat Putin. That’s the bottom line.” He again echoed these beliefs at the Munich Security Conference in 2023.

Any candidate at the top of the Democratic presidential ticket will require substantial donor funding to mount a successful campaign. The Soros family support and financial backing could be crucial for any Democratic presidential candidate.

As the 2024 presidential election unfolds, the U.S. taxpayer’s funding of Ukraine with its war against Russia is likely to become a significant issue in any upcoming debates. Biden’s withdrawal from the race has created uncertainty around the Democratic presidential candidate, providing an opportunity for Gov. Polis. His tenure as governor, marked by progressive achievements in healthcare, education, and environmental policies, has further solidified his alignment with the Democratic base. His strategic positioning and progressive record could make him the dark horse for the Democrats’ presidential ticket. 

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in commentary pieces are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the management of the Rocky Mountain Voice, but even so we support the constitutional right of the author to express those opinions.