York: Joe Biden owes the country an explanation

By Byron York | Commentary, Washington Examiner

President Joe Biden is scheduled to make a live address to the nation tonight at 9 p.m. That is a violation of his plan “to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m. so that he can get more sleep,” according to news reports earlier this month when he was still struggling to hold on to the Democratic nomination. But it is extremely important that he stay up and tell the public what is going on.

In the last week, the president, weak and infirm, contracted COVID-19 and went into isolation. There, behind closed doors, he was forced by a group of powerful Democratic insiders to withdraw from the 2024 presidential race. He then endorsed the vice president, Kamala Harris, for the Democratic nomination, and party leaders, despite earlier talk of a mini primary or some other democratic process to choose a new nominee, stampeded to hand Harris the prize within hours of Biden’s decision.


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