Editor’s note: Want to express your opinion? Email Brian@RockyMountainVoice.com. Give us your succinct thoughts on current events, be sure to include your name and hometown, and we might feature your letter.
Dear Mr. Editor,
I cannot believe the arrogance of the Democrat-led legislators and the posturing of Gov. Polis over the property tax issue.
The Democrats seem to think that law-abiding, tax-paying, freedom-loving Colorado citizens are too stupid to really comprehend the importance of their socialist agenda. So much so, that when Prop. HH failed by a 59% to 41% margin, Senate Majority Leader Steve Fenberg stated in a TV news interview that Coloradans were swayed by extreme right-wing propaganda.
Really! We’re that gullible? Wow. It seems Colorado voters aren’t as ignorant nor as stupid as you think. The Democrats are now all worried that the ignorant voters of Colorado will vote for Initiatives 108 and 50 by a margin equal to or greater than the defeat of Prop HH. It takes a 55% majority for the initiatives to pass. Coloradans are feeling real pain with inflation, a mortgage payment that has become almost crippling, a crime rate ranking third in the nation and a government putting even more tax proposals on the November ballot.
I’m reaching out to Advance Colorado and Colorado Concern to push back hard on the Socialist Democrats. Gen. Anthony McAuliffe, commander of the 101st Airborne in Bastogne during the Battle of the Bulge in WWII, replied to the German SS Panzer commander concerning unconditional surrender when completely surrounded by the German army with one word: “Nuts.” Gen. Mac, as he was known, always reframed from using earthy language. I’m asking Advance Colorado and Colorado Concern to say “Nuts” to the Democrats.
Gov. Polis stated he will not sign the legislation until both initiatives are pulled from the ballot first. I would hope you would say “Nuts” to Gov. Polis. Advance Colorado and Colorado Concern, say “Nuts” to these people and let the ignorant, stupid, irresponsible, law-abiding, tax-paying and freedom-loving Coloradans decide the fate of their hard earned money.
Eric V. Himes
Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in commentary pieces are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the management of the Rocky Mountain Voice, but even so we support the constitutional right of the author to express those opinions.