Dills: Along with America, Alex Clark is waking up to the lies of ‘big food’

By Abi Dills  | Commentary, The Federalist

I am grateful to Alex Clark and others like her who have taken on the fight against the food lies we’ve all been fed for years.

When I was 12 years old my parents decided to try a gluten-free diet. Within weeks, my dad’s indigestion disappeared, both parents lost weight, and they were free from muscle pain. Although they were in their mid-30s, they felt better than they had in years.

They were astonished but also confused. Why had no one suggested this to them before? Why was our food made with such harmful ingredients?

My parents had always been relatively healthy, but from that point on, our family embarked on a journey into health and wellness. We stopped eating fast food, began researching vitamins and supplements, and started uncovering the lies that government was, quite literally, feeding us.


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