Krannawitter: Business owners are not guilty

By Thomas L. Krannawitter, Ph.D. | Commentary,

The title of this piece is not a verdict in a criminal trial. It is a reminder to business owners experiencing feelings of guilt—those who think they need to “give back,” as if they stole something or committed some wrong simply by running a successful business: You’re not guilty.

This may seem obvious to some business owners, yet for far too many, it is not. Every time a successful entrepreneur, investor, business owner, or CEO expresses a desire to donate to a charitable cause in order to “give back,” he is, knowingly or not, implying that he has taken something that does not rightfully belong to him.

In a society that values freedom—including free markets for businesses—this mistake might be trivial and of no concern. However, in our postmodern progressive United States—in which growing numbers of Americans value empty promises of free stuff and perfect security more than individual freedom—it is a grave tactical and strategic error. It emboldens those who blame the supposed greed of business owners for virtually all social ills.