Murray: The delusions of Kamala Harris

By Douglas Murray  | The Spectator

There are a number of joys in life that do not get enough attention. One is the sheer, unadulterated pleasure that can be gained from watching a politician speak about something they know nothing about. This season Kamala Harris is giving especially abundant material for connoisseurs. Recognizing that there is plenty she doesn’t know about, her campaign team are hoping that she can glide into office without having to say anything about what she might do once there.

On the rare occasions when she does sit down and get asked questions, she is a master in her peculiar field. For instance, if Harris is asked about how her administration would tackle inflation she will say something like: “We need to take a moment here to acknowledge what inflation is and what it means for people, and the great meaning it has in people’s lives.” Presumably at some point in her early life she got away with this dodge, and decided to employ it ever since. She would most likely do the same whatever you asked her about.


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