Gaines: A legislative directory to reach anyone in the 75th session

By Cory Gaines | Commentary, Colorado Accountability Project

A reader was kind enough to make a directory of legislators in an Excel Spreadsheet. It’s linked below and feel free to make a local copy (and share).

Sheet 1 is senators, sheet 2 is representatives.

It lists phones, emails, committee memberships, party affiliation, and district.

The other quite helpful thing here is that you can copy and paste the emails. I have more than once used this spreadsheet to email every. single. legislator.

It’s even got some “hidden tabs” with voting machine passwords!**

A great big thanks to the person — what must have been a lot of time to produce this and share it!

**It doesn’t. I don’t have the kind of political juice to avoid any sort of legal entanglement that comes with that sort of thing.


Read more from Cory Gaines at the Colorado Accountability Project

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