By C. J. Garbo | Guest Commentary, Rocky Mountain Voice
Taxation, at its core, is meant to serve a noble purpose. Governments levy taxes to fund essential services, protect citizens, and ensure the infrastructure of a functioning society.
However, there is a fine line between taxation and extortion — a line that is crossed when the power to tax is abused, funds are squandered, and citizens are burdened with excessive financial demands for the benefit of a select few.
When those in power exploit taxation to enrich themselves, preserve their influence or mask fiscal irresponsibility, taxation ceases to be a tool for the public good and devolves into an instrument of oppression. This dangerous shift is not new, nor is it without profound moral and spiritual implications.
To understand the gravity of this issue, we can turn to scripture for wisdom. The story of Jesus overturning the tables in the temple (Matthew 21:12-13) offers an illustrative example. In this narrative, the temple — a sacred place meant for worship — had been turned into a marketplace where moneychangers and merchants exploited worshippers for profit. Jesus declared, “It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer,’ but you make it a den of thieves.”
His righteous anger was directed not only at the profiteers but also at the systemic corruption that allowed such exploitation to thrive. The lesson here is clear: when power and wealth are wielded unjustly to burden and oppress others, it is not only an economic injustice but a spiritual one.
This principle applies to governance and taxation today. When local governments, including those here in Colorado, impose excessive taxes while amassing staggering deficits — such as the current one-billion-dollar budget shortfall — it is a clear indicator that the system has gone astray. Taxation becomes extortion when citizens are forced to pay more, yet the services and stewardship they expect in return are absent. It is the modern equivalent of the moneychangers in the temple, exploiting the people for gain under the guise of necessity.
The question, then, is how do we measure and identify when taxation has crossed the line into extortion? The answer lies in evaluating the relationship between taxation, governance and outcomes. Are the funds being used efficiently and transparently? Are they addressing the needs of the people or enriching the elite? Are they solving problems or perpetuating them?
When governments levy taxes but fail to provide proportional value — when they saddle citizens with deficits while indulging in fiscal irresponsibility — they betray their mandate to serve.
In Colorado, the evidence of this betrayal is undeniable. Despite the state’s growing tax burden, we face a $1 billion deficit. This deficit is not just a number; it is a glaring indictment of mismanagement, inefficiency and, ultimately, extortionate practices. Taxpayers are asked to pay more while receiving less, all while local governments operate without accountability.
This is not governance — it is exploitation.
The solution to this crisis lies in adopting a zero-based budgeting approach. Unlike traditional budgeting, which assumes that past expenditures are justified and builds upon them, zero-based budgeting starts from a blank slate. Every dollar must be justified and accounted for, ensuring that funds are allocated efficiently and in alignment with the priorities and needs of the community. This method restores transparency, curtails waste and prevents the misuse of public funds. It is a return to stewardship — serving the people rather than exploiting them.
Zero-based budgeting is more than a financial tool; it is a moral imperative. It reflects the principles of justice, fairness and responsibility that are central to good governance. It ensures that taxes serve their intended purpose rather than becoming a burden that enriches the few at the expense of the many. And, most importantly, it restores trust in the institutions that are meant to serve the public good.
As citizens, we have a duty to demand this accountability. The story of Jesus overturning the tables in the temple reminds us that there is a time for righteous anger — a time to stand against systems of exploitation and demand justice. Colorado’s taxation and budget deficit crisis is such a time. It is not enough to pay our taxes and hope for change; we must actively advocate for reform and hold our leaders accountable.
Excessive taxation coupled with fiscal irresponsibility is not just bad governance; it is a betrayal of the people and a violation of the sacred trust that underpins democracy.
The path forward is clear: reject the status quo, demand zero-based budgeting, and restore taxation to its rightful purpose. By doing so, we can reclaim a system that serves the people, honors justice and reflects the values of stewardship and integrity that we hold dear. Let us not be passive in the face of extortion.
Let us overturn the tables.
C. J. Garbo is a seasoned political strategist and former law enforcement veteran with a passion for advocating for fiscal responsibility and transparent governance. With years of experience navigating the intersection of public policy and community service, Garbo brings a deeply informed perspective to the urgent need for zero-based budgeting and principled stewardship of taxpayer dollars. He holds a bachelor’s in political science, is the vice chair of the Douglas County Planning Commission, and works in the Colorado House of Representatives as a senior legislative aide and policy advisor.
Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in commentary pieces are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the management of the Rocky Mountain Voice, but even so we support the constitutional right of the author to express those opinions.