Kittle: New York Magazine crops out truth with young conservative hit piece

By M.D. Kittle | Commentary, The Federalist

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: A leftist “news” reporter walks into a conservative event and omits some key details in a hit piece attacking President Donald Trump and his supporters. 

Even for New York Magazine, one of the bigger jokes in American journalism, the fact-fractured story headlined, “The Cruel Kids’ Table,” is a lesson in the excesses of the Pravda press. 

The hit job, written by the mag’s feature reporter Brock Colyar, is supposed to be a first-person account of inauguration weekend parties filled with “young, confident, and casually cruel Trumpers who, after conquering Washington, have their sights set on America.” It’s the same tired — and false — screed portraying the MAGA movement as privileged rednecks, even as the piece laments “just how big” the Republican Party’s tent has become.