Minary: Conservatives could cause change if we would get involved, become informed, always vote and run for office

By Russ Minary | Guest Commentary, Rocky Mountain Voice

Americans, across the political spectrum, have become frustrated with the entire election process and feel that they are powerless. They feel their views and needs are ignored. 

Consequently, they have unplugged from the very system which was designed as an effective way for them to manage their local governments, rather than vice versa.  It is a sad fact that the single largest voting bloc in Colorado and in many parts of the U.S. is unaffiliated.  That’s a clear indication that neither political party has engaged this group of voters.

Republicans often use the word ‘conservative’, assuming the average person knows what it means.  They don’t.  Many Republicans don’t, either.  So, we on the political Right must define what a “conservative” is in clear and simple terms that the average person will understand and support. 

Ten Conservative Principles (by Russell Kirk):

  1. A conservative believes in an enduring moral order.
  2. The conservative adheres to custom, convention and continuity.
  3. Conservatives believe in what may be called the principle of prescription.
  4. Conservatives are guided by their principle of prudence.
  5. Conservatives pay attention to the principle of variety.
  6. Conservatives are chastened by their principle of imperfectability.
  7. Conservatives are persuaded that freedom and property are closely linked.
  8. Conservatives uphold community, quite as they oppose involuntary collectivism.
  9. The conservative perceives the need for prudent restraints upon power and human passions.
  10. The thinking conservative understands that permanence and change must be recognized and reconciled in a vigorous society.

I have yet to meet a person who would disagree with the following statements:

“ I wish my taxes were lower, so that I had more of my own hard-earned money to spend on what I want.”   

“I want my community to be safe, for me and my family.”

“When I  call 911 to report an emergency, I want the phone to be answered promptly and the appropriate first responder immediately sent to my house to protect me, my loved ones and our property.

These critical issues are related to 1) fiscal responsibility and personal finances, 2) law enforcement, and 3) fire protection and emergency services.  None of them are partisan issues.  Every person, regardless of political affiliation, is directly or indirectly impacted by them in their life and community. 

All of these issues are determined by local district elections.  Yet, many current or potential voters are uninformed or uninvolved in the process of those local elections or the consequences of those elections.  Consequently, voter turnout is often low.  Many people don’t register to vote and others only vote in presidential elections.  But these same people are frustrated and dissatisfied with their local governments.  

History shows that voters tend to get the candidates and government for which they vote.  And Colorado voters have not voted for conservative issues or candidates for years.  Demographic trends certainly have an impact.  Our formerly bright Red State has become quite Blue — or purple.  That is not because Democrats have the best ideas.  They don’t.  But Democrats have done a great job of communicating some very bad ideas in a way that resonates with people.  So, Democrats win and Conservatives lose.  And without some new attitudes, behaviors and leadership that trend is likely to continue.  

Vision and great ideas create excitement and win elections.  And money tends to follow vision and great ideas.  Unfortunately, Colorado Republicans have not communicated nether a conservative vision nor conservative ideas necessary to win elections.  Republican have fought one another rather than working to defeat the adversary’s conservatism in elections.  

I believe that most Americans hold conservative values like the desire to be safe, own property, build wealth, have free speech, religious freedom and the right to self-defense.  Conservatives should exercise their most basic God-given and Constitutional freedoms.    

If conservatives get involved and informed, run for offices and vote in local district elections, our nation would change quickly.  We can do better. 

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in commentary pieces are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the management of the Rocky Mountain Voice, but even so we support the constitutional right of the author to express those opinions.