Libertarian Joss withdraws from 8th District race, endorses Evans in bid to unseat Caraveo

By BRIAN PORTER | Rocky Mountain Voice

In a race which could be decided by a paper-thin margin, 8th District U.S. House Republican nominee Gabe Evans may have just drawn the most valuable endorsement.

Eric Joss, the Libertarian Party’s nominee for the 8th District, has announced his decision to withdraw and offer his support to Evans. It could be a 2% or better swing in the race.

“Leadership means you listen to your constituents and come to a consensus on common things,” Joss said. “A few weeks ago we were far apart on some common issues, and now we’re a whole lot closer.”

Evans has signed what was described as Liberty Pledge 2.0, agreeing to support many liberty issues, if elected to Congress.

“One of the big sticking points [previously] was we had to agree to abolish the intelligence community,” Evans said. “While we certainly need accountability, we can’t have wholesale abolishment.”

During their state convention, Libertarians committed to honor a pledge which would seek to step out of races where a candidate embraced their principles of liberty and smaller government.

“[Democratic nominee U.S. Rep.] Yadira Caraveo has done nothing but rubber stamp every piece of legislation that [President] Joe Biden has sent to Congress,” Joss said. “I firmly believe she would do the same thing in the event of a Kamala Harris victory.”

He indicated support for Evans as the “most liberty conscience candidate” in the race.

In the first election of the newly-created 8th District in 2022, the Libertarian candidate drew 9,280 votes (3.92%), a contributing factor to Caraveo’s narrow (0.69%) defeat of Republican State Sen. Barb Kirkmeyer.

“Republicans and Libertarians are joining forces to defeat Yadira Caraveo and her extreme, far-left agenda,” Evans said. “Eric and I are united in our determination to rein in the size, scope, cost, and corruption of government. Beating big government starts with defeating Caraveo.”

He offered a copy of the “2.0” version of the Liberty Pledge, suggesting the two candidates came to compromise on a few issues. There’s much common ground, Evans said.

“We probably agree on 90%. How do we focus on the 90% of things we agree on?,” Evans asked. “We sat down and did what you are supposed to do in representative government. We had those conversations. This is what folks in Congress are supposed to do. They are supposed to sit down with all of their constituents.”

He noted the support of about two-thirds of mayors in the district, suggesting it is a result of Caraveo not supporting their desires.

“There is too much at stake for Colorado and America,” Joss said. “Conservatives and Libertarians need to unite to defeat Caraveo, who stands for more spending, higher taxes, a higher cost of living, government-run healthcare, and restrictions on Americans’ liberties. I’m honored to endorse Gabe Evans for Congress.”