In Oklahoma, Afghan plotted Election Day terror attack in U.S. on behalf of ISIS, DOJ says

By Louis Casiano , David Spunt  | Fox News

An Afghan citizen living in Oklahoma has been charged with plotting a terror attack on Election Day on behalf of the Islamic State in which he and an underage co-conspirator expected to die as martyrs, the Justice Department said Tuesday. 

Nasir Ahmad Tawhedi, 27, obtained firearms and ammunition to conduct a violent attack on U.S. soil, as well as taking a number of steps to prepare for the plot, authorities said. He entered the United States on Sept. 9, 2021, weeks after U.S. troops pulled out of Afghanistan, on a special immigrant visa and is currently on parole status pending adjudication of his immigration proceedings.

“I want to extend my deepest gratitude to our investigators and law enforcement officers for successfully uncovering and stopping this terrorist plot before innocent lives were put in danger,” Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt said. “This is a powerful example of how the information-sharing measures we implemented between local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies are making a real difference.”Those who seek to harm our nation, threaten our freedoms, and disrupt our way of life will be held accountable and face the full force of the law.”