Before non-endorsement decision, Washington Post called Trump ‘dreadful’ and ‘worst president of modern times’

By David Rutz | Fox News

The Washington Post editorial board hasn’t endorsed a single Republican for president over the past 50 years. It isn’t endorsing one this cycle, either, but it’s the fact that it isn’t endorsing Kamala Harris either that has caused yet another uproar at an elite media institution

“The winner of the election is going to be sitting down the street from The Washington Post,” longtime Post media writer Paul Farhi told Fox News Digital. “I mean, you don’t think you have an opinion about that? Sure you do. And so it just makes it all the more curious and odd that they should back off this way.”

A look at the paper’s recent history and coverage of Trump leaves no doubt as to where it stands on the GOP standard-bearer, which it’s called the worst president in modern history who should have been removed from office after the January 6 Capitol riot.