Reclaiming George Washington’s legacy: The truth behind President’s Day

By Tori Ganahl | Rocky Mountain Voice

In the heart of winter, Americans pause to remember one of the nation’s greatest leaders, George Washington. Yet, as the holiday season unfolds, the true essence of Washington’s Birthday often gets lost in the shuffle of modern interpretations.

Since 1879, February 22nd has stood as a testament to the exemplary leadership of George Washington, with the federal government recognizing it as an official holiday. However, over time, the solemnity of this occasion has been diluted by efforts to broaden its scope.

George Washington, a paragon of humility, would have likely eschewed the grandeur associated with modern celebrations. Instead, he remained focused on serving his country, even on his own birthday. Despite his modesty, the reverence for Washington’s legacy grew, leading to the establishment of a federal holiday in his honor.

However, the significance of Washington’s Birthday was somewhat diminished with the passage of the Uniform Monday Holiday Act in 1968. While ostensibly aimed at providing federal workers with extended weekends, this legislation unintentionally shifted the focus away from Washington himself.

Today, “Presidents’ Day” has become a catch-all term for honoring past presidents, a designation never officially sanctioned by the U.S. government. Despite its widespread adoption, the holiday retains its original intent of commemorating George Washington, albeit amidst broader presidential recognition.

Some states, such as Virginia and Illinois, steadfastly maintain the tradition of observing Washington’s Birthday separately. Others, like Texas, extend the festivities throughout February, underscoring the enduring importance of this founding father.

Yet, there exists a groundswell of sentiment among conservatives to restore the singular focus on George Washington. Advocates argue that the Father of our Country deserves a day dedicated solely to his unparalleled contributions to American history. Whether through grassroots activism or political engagement, there’s a resolute call to preserve the legacy of George Washington from being overshadowed by contemporary interpretations of “Presidents’ Day.”

Check out these fun facts about the “original American badass” — George Washington.