Rep. Buck calls in House resolution for President Biden to be removed through 25th Amendment

By BRIAN PORTER | The Rocky Mountain Voice

President Joe Biden’s days in office would be numbered if a measure introduced Monday by U.S. Rep. Ken Buck, R-Windsor, is successful.

His resolution calls upon Vice President Kamala Harris to gather members of the President’s cabinet to declare Biden “incapable of executing the duties of his office” under the 25th Amendment. It would lead to Harris immediately assuming office as the acting President.

“The time has come for the Vice President and the Cabinet to put our country first and move forward on invoking the 25th Amendment,” Buck told The Hill.

U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Silt, has additionally told the Rocky Mountain Voice she will file for articles of impeachment soon if Republicans don’t act as a result of investigations into Biden’s alleged roles in the business dealings of his son Hunter, where he may have received cash kickbacks from foreign governments filtered through family bank accounts.

The resolution cites Biden’s age and mental condition. He is the nation’s oldest President at age 81. Buck cites three different public events in which Biden was “televised wandering aimlessly.”

Buck cites four different times in which the President fell while walking up stairs.

“President Biden frequently speaks publicly in an incoherent and indiscernible manner, often with the aid of a teleprompter,” the resolution reads with specific citations.

A report by Special Counsel Robert Her, released Feb. 5, 2024, in which it was found Biden knowingly possessed classified material in unsecured locations but decided against prosecution because a jury might deem him a “sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory” is also cited as cause to support the resolution by Buck, who has opposed the impeachment of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and has proven to be a skeptic of a Biden impeachment.

The resolution continues in a damning indictment on the president, pointing to occasions where he confused world leaders, reported talking to dead world leaders, could not recall the name of the terrorist group Hamas attacking Israel and misidentified the countries of world leaders.

“President Biden serves as Comander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and at all times has access to the ‘nuclear football’ that enables the President to transmit orders to our military leaders to launch a nuclear strike against a foreign adversary in defense of the United States,” Buck writes in the resolution.

He concludes the resolution by asking Harris to have the Cabinet “declare what is obvious to a horrified nation: That the President is unable to successfully discharge the duties and powers of his office”.