Author name: Kelly Sloan

Sloan: Biden’s legacy is weakness on the world stage, while at home unprecedented inflation and ‘woke’ culture

We read in the Telegraph that outgoing President Joe Biden’s National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan, has briefed President-elect Trump, and has warned him that a freshly-weakened Iran could build a nuclear weapon. One can only imagine the look of stunned shock in Trump’s face at this entirely unexpected and unforeseen revelation. 

Sloan: Biden’s legacy is weakness on the world stage, while at home unprecedented inflation and ‘woke’ culture Read More »

Sloan: Could Doug Burgum and Chris Wright lead an American energy revival?

There is much consternation in different corners about President-elect Donald Trump’s cabinet picks; indeed, some of it is not entirely unwarranted. Much of it, on the other hand, is on the order of polemical hysteria, an outcropping of the left’s general caterwauling about how America under a second Trump presidency will take on the appearance of a Hieronymus Bosch painting.

Sloan: Could Doug Burgum and Chris Wright lead an American energy revival? Read More »

Sloan: Reflections on Brett Baier’s Fox News interview with VP Kamala Harris

The inestimable Peggy Noonan, in her regular Sunday Wall Street Journal column, was exacting, as usual, in her analysis of Kamala Harris: “This week she couldn’t answer a single question straight, and people should see it. She is an artless dodger.”

Sloan: Reflections on Brett Baier’s Fox News interview with VP Kamala Harris Read More »