American Thinker

McCann: The founders provided remedies for a runaway judiciary

Recently a gaggle of rogue U.S. District Court judges have issued numerous restraining orders and opinions aimed at curtailing, and in some cases overturning, the constitutional authority of President Trump as the head of the executive branch of government. There have been a series of court orders that rival the most egregious judicial decisions in American history, virtually all of which dramatically undermine constitutional separation of powers as well the sovereignty of this nation.

McCann: The founders provided remedies for a runaway judiciary Read More »

Joondeph: Along with illegal immigrants, infectious diseases are crossing America’s border

For the past four years, our national borders have been as porous as a sieve, allowing thousands of illegal aliens to cross into America every day. Few are screened for criminal backgrounds, useful skills, intentions toward America, or infectious diseases.

Joondeph: Along with illegal immigrants, infectious diseases are crossing America’s border Read More »

Dr. Joondeph: Presidential polling postmortem winners and losers

Election 2024 is in the rearview mirror. Pollsters won’t be bombarding voters anymore. Today’s entertainment is liberal heads exploding on social media or the latest Democrat threatening – but not actually following through on – everything from drinking cyanide to setting themselves on fire to leaving the country if Donald Trump won the election.

Dr. Joondeph: Presidential polling postmortem winners and losers Read More »