
(Neutral) Amendment J: Repealing the definition of marriage in the Constitution

Presently, Section 31 of the Colorado Constitution regarding marriage reads: “Only a union of one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in this state.” This measure repeals the language, currently read to restrict same-sex marriage.

(Neutral) Amendment J: Repealing the definition of marriage in the Constitution Read More »

Overbeck: Ranked-choice (Prop. 131) is the scam that can erase your vote 

Ranked-choice voting (RCV), Proposition 131 on Colorado’s November ballot, is such a drastic perversion of our nation’s 247-year election standard of one person/one vote that voting for it risks actually losing your vote.

Overbeck: Ranked-choice (Prop. 131) is the scam that can erase your vote  Read More »

Support Amendment H: Judicial discipline procedures and confidentiality

Under existing law, proceedings of the state commission on judicial discipline are confidential. The measure would create a more transparent, new board to hear ethical misconduct complaints against state court judges.

Support Amendment H: Judicial discipline procedures and confidentiality Read More »

Support Amendment G: Modification to property tax exemption for disabled veterans

The Colorado Constitution grants a property tax exemption to veterans with 100% service-related disability, and HCR 23-1002 sought to provide the same exemption to those veterans with “individual unemployability” status as determined by U.S. Veterans Affairs.

Support Amendment G: Modification to property tax exemption for disabled veterans Read More »

Donald Trump: My plan to Make America Affordable Again, and bring back the American Dream

For years, Americans have watched as our country has been stripped of our jobs and stripped of our wealth. We’ve watched our companies get sold off to foreign countries. But with my plan for the American economy, this will stop immediately. When I am president, we will begin to take other countries’ jobs and factories, bringing businesses and trillions of dollars back to the United States.

Donald Trump: My plan to Make America Affordable Again, and bring back the American Dream Read More »