
Greszler: Counting on Social Security to fund your retirement? Think again

In just nine years, the oldest Gen-Xers will reach Social Security’s normal retirement age of 67. But they have a rude awakening when they learn that the program’s trust fund is empty, leaving it able to pay out only as much in benefits as it takes from the paychecks of those then working.

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Sloan: The greater threat to the planet

George Will recently wrote a rather chilling column, pointing out something so obvious that it has escaped much attention. That is this: while much of the world is obsessed over climate change, to the point of spending trillions of dollars annually, virtually no attention is being paid to another hypothetical scenario, one that is at least as real in potential (if not more so) as climate change and which bears far more immediate and devastating consequences – that is the threat of nuclear war.

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Walcher: Is the goal cleaner air, or something else?

Governments are often behind the curve in recognizing the latest technology. Innovation invariably moves faster than the intentionally slow processes of government. We saw that with the Biden Administration’s methane regulations, and we are seeing it again with its recent move to halt upcoming liquefied natural gas (LNG) export permits. The LNG export moratorium has sparked intense debates around the country, on both sides of the aisle, and will have repercussions for years.

Walcher: Is the goal cleaner air, or something else? Read More »

Lobue: Since Biden inherited the Trump boom, the whole economy’s gone bust

By JOSEPH LOBUE | The Federalist For years, President Joe Biden was flying west to east with the prevailing winds, economically speaking. During Covid, politicians (primarily Democrats) closed down large portions of the economy. When Covid ended, the economy “grew” because that’s what happens when you go from a partially closed economy to an entirely

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Gaines: Getting back from the state what we’re owed under TABOR

Pretend that your employer accidentally overpaid you, say $20 extra a month for a couple years.  Neither of you notice until one day you get an email telling you about the mistake.  The mistake has been fixed and your pay will be $20 less going forward.  Also, you now owe your employer $240.  Not a pleasant thing to consider.

Gaines: Getting back from the state what we’re owed under TABOR Read More »

Ganahl: On Mother’s Day, we pause to honor women who make a difference every day

Today, kids across the country made handmade cards, cooked up a breakfast in bed and tried to tiptoe around the house to let their precious mommas get a bit more sleep. It’s the day of the year we celebrate the hard-working, loving, ever-giving matriarch of the family: Mother’s Day!

Ganahl: On Mother’s Day, we pause to honor women who make a difference every day Read More »

Basile: ‘Woke’ Scouts and the death of another American institution

Another week, another headline that has millions wondering what has happened to the America of our youth. “Woke” social engineering by the far left appears to have claimed another victim: the Boy Scouts of America. The organization that had molded millions of boys into leaders who valued nature, personal responsibility and hard work has announced it will rebrand itself as “Scouting America,” removing the word “boy” from its name. It’s a wonder they didn’t remove America too.

Basile: ‘Woke’ Scouts and the death of another American institution Read More »