
Among the statistic most meant to mislead, you have the Unemployment Rate

One of the most monitored of all U.S. statistics — and one frequently used for the most political gain — is the Unemployment Rate. It sounds simple enough (and actually should be) but when bureaucrats and politicians got their hands on it, it’s merely a shadow of itself.

Among the statistic most meant to mislead, you have the Unemployment Rate Read More »

A Beacon of Hope: Dr. Ben Carson’s Message of Optimism for America

In the newest episode of Unleashed with Heidi Ganahl, Dr. Ben Carson, renowned neurosurgeon, former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, and steadfast advocate for American values, joined the conversation to set the record straight on his hope for the future of America. The discussion was nothing short of enlightening, touching on topics ranging from childhood struggles to the future of the nation. Dr. Carson’s journey from humble beginnings to national prominence serves as a beacon of hope and resilience for millions across the country.

A Beacon of Hope: Dr. Ben Carson’s Message of Optimism for America Read More »

Protect Kids Colorado launches to protect kids, strengthen families through citizens ballot initiatives

Colorado is one of 24 states to have a Citizens Ballot Initiative process. Coloradans, that means “We the People” have a process by which to make law. Article V, Section II, Item 2.0, of the Colorado Constitution clearly lays out the people’s process by stating: “The first power hereby reserved by the people is the initiative…” The FIRST power.

Protect Kids Colorado launches to protect kids, strengthen families through citizens ballot initiatives Read More »

Caldara: Bizarre bills flow from Colorado’s loony legislature

While Colorado’s governmental core functions are going unattended, as witnessed by crime, traffic and crumbling roads, the legislature is busying itself with the most critical work of all — coming up with wing-bat crazy bills to promote the trans agenda by disempowering parents, crush needed industries and torture puppies.

Caldara: Bizarre bills flow from Colorado’s loony legislature Read More »

Editorial: Nearly a dozen Republicans want to go to Congress in 4th District

A five-minute opportunity for Congressional candidates to state their case to prospective voters drew a capacity crowd Sunday evening in Windsor at the President’s Day Celebration, hosted by the Colorado Conservative Patriot Alliance, in American Legion Post No. 109.

Editorial: Nearly a dozen Republicans want to go to Congress in 4th District Read More »