Heritage Foundation

Antoni: Washington ate your lunch, then blamed business

You’re paying more for food because Congress refuses to control its spending. That was the testimony I recently gave before a Senate committee, but the committee chair, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, refused to believe the evidence presented. Her plan is not to reduce government spending, but to drive your food prices even higher.

Antoni: Washington ate your lunch, then blamed business Read More »

Why don’t U.S. medical schools produce more medical doctors?

What would happen if the U.S. military needed 1 million people in the Armed Forces but decided to cap domestic enlistment at 750,000 U.S. citizens and to recruit the rest abroad? Or what would happen if U.S. policy was designed to import 25 percent of its lawyers or teachers from elsewhere in the world, not because this country lacks people who are interested in and capable of pursuing those professions, but simply because the U.S. would rather hire foreigners for those jobs? That would be absurd—and it happens to be exactly how the system for training and hiring doctors in America operates today.

Why don’t U.S. medical schools produce more medical doctors? Read More »

The Housing Crunch Is Causing Americans To Delay Marriage and Children

Failed public policies are undermining the institution of marriage in America. Rates of both marriage and child births have been trending down for decades, but the current cost-of-living crisis is poised to accelerate these declines. If you can’t afford a place to live, chances are you won’t get married and have kids.

The Housing Crunch Is Causing Americans To Delay Marriage and Children Read More »