MIG Reports

Aurora Showdown: Anti-Establishment Fire Ignites Voter Frenzy

Between Oct. 9-16, Aurora, Colorado, became a hotspot for intense political activity and discussion following Trump’s rally in the city. Residents are grappling with a whirlwind of emotions—anxiety, enthusiasm, and distrust—all of which are influencing their civic engagement and voting propensity.

Aurora Showdown: Anti-Establishment Fire Ignites Voter Frenzy Read More »

Americans seek resolute solution to end cartels

Public sentiment on cartel-related issues in the United States is negative. As Americans grapple with the rising impact of cartel activities, including drug and human trafficking and gang activity, there is increasing tension between those advocating for a strong executive approach and those who still value traditional governance with checks and balances.

Americans seek resolute solution to end cartels Read More »

Say it Ain’t So: U.S. Hiring is at Record Low

Recent layoffs and discussions about low hiring in the U.S. job market dominates voter conversations, according to MIG Reports data. Americans indicate their personal experiences with the economy shape their reactions to job reports. There continues to be significant division between those who perceive the job market as improving and those who believe it is deteriorating.

Say it Ain’t So: U.S. Hiring is at Record Low Read More »

Can RFK Jr.’s health platform convince women to vote Trump?

One of Donald Trump’s significant electoral challenges is attracting moderate voters and women, particularly those who support the Democratic pro-choice platform, despite Trump’s neutral stance on abortion at the federal level. These voter groups, which traditionally lean Democratic, have proven elusive for Trump’s campaign.

Can RFK Jr.’s health platform convince women to vote Trump? Read More »