
With wolf pup(s) on the ground, state’s wildlife director insists on non-lethal response to livestock killings

The chief of Colorado Parks & Wildlife insisted that “non-lethal” means of managing wolves that kill livestock is crucial especially now that the two wolves brought to Colorado have a pup. 

With wolf pup(s) on the ground, state’s wildlife director insists on non-lethal response to livestock killings Read More »

Firefighters who responded on 9/11 escort piece of twin towers to new Fort Collins memorial

A piece of American history has been permanently installed in Fort Collins, as Poudre Fire Station #3 cemented a piece of the twin towers into the park behind their fire station. The piece of the twin towers was officially unveiled at a ceremony in Fort Collins on Monday afternoon.

Firefighters who responded on 9/11 escort piece of twin towers to new Fort Collins memorial Read More »

Denver Airport preparing for busiest Independence Day travel week on record

The Transportation Security Administration tells CBS Colorado they are expecting the 4th of July  holiday week to be the busiest on record for them. The TSA tells CBS Colorado on June 30 security workers screened more than 86,000 people at the Denver International Airport.  That was their fourth busiest day.

Denver Airport preparing for busiest Independence Day travel week on record Read More »

Colorado wolf tracker map shows new exploration in areas of Summit, Larimer counties

According to a new collared wolf activity map published by Colorado Parks and Wildlife, the Colorado wolf territory has grown and spread over the last month further south, east, and west. This, while leaving out of a small section of Routt County the wolves had previously spent time in. 

Colorado wolf tracker map shows new exploration in areas of Summit, Larimer counties Read More »

‘A good free-for-all’: Weld County crowd reacts to first Biden-Trump debate meeting of ’24

Just a jog down the road from where a rancher long ago installed two, giant pro-Donald Trump billboards in his pastures, the Republican Women of Weld met Thursday to cheer on the former, and they hope future, President.

‘A good free-for-all’: Weld County crowd reacts to first Biden-Trump debate meeting of ’24 Read More »