
HB 1131, lifting cap on CSU veterinary students, among three bills in each chamber getting second readings Tuesday

A bipartisan bill aimed at lifting the artificial cap on students who may enroll in Colorado State’s veterinary program will get a second reading and potentially a preliminary vote on Tuesday, Feb. 11, in the Colorado House.

HB 1131, lifting cap on CSU veterinary students, among three bills in each chamber getting second readings Tuesday Read More »

Colorado honors Korean War veterans with resolution on Military Appreciation Day

Military, Veterans, and POW/MIA Appreciation Day is an annual event at the state Capitol in early February. It is a day for lawmakers in both chambers to recognize the sacrifices of Colorado’s servicemen and women in combat.

Colorado honors Korean War veterans with resolution on Military Appreciation Day Read More »

Is Senate Bill 3 already on death’s door? Anti-gun bill had to be laid over again in Senate

Senate Bill 25-003, the much-maligned bill that some have said would make Colorado the most anti-gun state in the country, can’t seem to get the support it needs to clear the Democrat-controlled state Senate.

Is Senate Bill 3 already on death’s door? Anti-gun bill had to be laid over again in Senate Read More »

Partisan Colorado Senate resolution to be introduced Monday condemning Trump, J6 pardons

A partisan, Democrat-led resolution condemning pardons issued for all involved in the Jan. 6, 2021, protests in Washington, D.C., is expected to be introduced Monday in the Colorado Senate.

Partisan Colorado Senate resolution to be introduced Monday condemning Trump, J6 pardons Read More »

HB 1005, a $34M tax break for Sunset Film Festival, advances despite Rep. DeGraaf’s concern it is ‘disincentive’ to existing taxpayers

The appropriateness of a tax-credit incentive offered by the state, benefiting a single community and in recruitment of an external entity while ignoring struggling tax-paying entities in that community and other areas of the state, was the discussion of a Colorado House committee Thursday.

HB 1005, a $34M tax break for Sunset Film Festival, advances despite Rep. DeGraaf’s concern it is ‘disincentive’ to existing taxpayers Read More »