
Boebert leads legislation to delist wolves from federal protection

U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colorado 4th, and U.S. Rep. Tom Tiffany, R-Wisc. 7th, have introduced the Pet and Livestock Protection Act to delist the gray wolf from the endangered species list and prioritize the safety and success of America’s agriculture community.

Boebert leads legislation to delist wolves from federal protection Read More »

Gun owners, 2A advocates asked to ‘stand up and fight’ during first caucus event

LOVELAND — A collection of state legislators, advocates and gun dealers gathered here Saturday at The Gallery Range & Restaurant in an effort to unify the state’s 2nd Amendment supporters.

Gun owners, 2A advocates asked to ‘stand up and fight’ during first caucus event Read More »

Nebraska threatens to condemn land in Colorado for a canal to carry away South Platte River water

Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser sent a letter to county commissioners in northeastern Colorado earlier this week pledging to defend their rights if Nebraska tries to condemn land for the proposed Perkins County Canal Project.

Nebraska threatens to condemn land in Colorado for a canal to carry away South Platte River water Read More »

Despite concern over specific provisions, legislators advance wage-theft bill without changes

Sponsors of a bill to ramp up penalties for businesses committing wage theft promised to make changes to it Thursday but weren’t yet ready to offer specific amendments, leading to a partisan split as the bill advanced out of its first legislative committee.

Despite concern over specific provisions, legislators advance wage-theft bill without changes Read More »

CPW has kept wolf parasites causing Hydatid disease, which can be lethal to humans, secret from public

As if there aren’t enough controversies around the consequences of wolf reintroduction in Colorado — impacts to livestock growers, impacts to deer, elk and other ungulate herds — there is another danger that has gone mostly unspoken by wildlife officials.

CPW has kept wolf parasites causing Hydatid disease, which can be lethal to humans, secret from public Read More »

HB 1113 would task Colorado cities, counties with limiting amount and type of grass allowed around homes by 2028

Local governments across Colorado would be required by 2028 to enact or update ordinances limiting the amount and type of grass that could be planted around new or redeveloped residential property under a bill before the state legislature this year.

HB 1113 would task Colorado cities, counties with limiting amount and type of grass allowed around homes by 2028 Read More »